Here at Pro-Action, we like to keep ourselves pretty busy! Take a look at what we've been up to outside of 308 Palladium Drive.

Save Your Back
Saturday April 28th 10am
Pro-Action Sports Injury Clinic 308 Palladium Drive Suite 108, Kanata, Ontario K2V 1A1 Hosted By: Move out of Madness Personal Training
Lower back pain is one of the leading causes of disability world-wide! The good news is that most lower back problems can be managed and even resolved by practicing better movement mechanics and simple lifestyle changes.
Danielle will guide you through a brief talk on the most common causes of lower back pain, how to manage acute pain or flare-ups, and how to prevent it from happening again, all through understanding how to move better and pain-free in your daily life. You will be given practical tools on how you can save your back today!
Though this is a FREE event, please register by contacting Danielle to reserve your spot as space is limited!
Email: or learn
Make A Wish Foundation
We are a proud Agent of Change in our community benefiting Make-A-Wish®Eastern Ontario Adopt-A-Wish® program.

West Carleton Food Access Center
A Big Thank You to the West Carleton Food Access Centre!
We appreciate everything that you do for the community and that you always give to those in need.
We are extremely appreciative that we had the opportunity to help and contribute!!

West Carleton Food Access Center
A BIG THANK YOU to the WEST CARLETON FOOD BANK for coming and picking up the food we collected during our HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE
We are extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to help the less fortunate during times of need!

Eastern Ontario Chiropractic Society
Pro-Action would like to thank Jennifer Walker for all the good tips about social media@easternontariochiropracticsociety meeting. Always learning more!

Complimentary Stretch and Strengthen Session To Equestrians
Back by Popular Demand! January is a perfect time to get a routine to help support your riding. This is a complementary (and who doesn’t like free?!) event at Pro-Action Sports Injury Clinic (308 Palladium Drive) on Thursday., January 11th @6:30pm
Please RSVP by calling/texting 613-316-1223 or emailing us at
Refreshments will be provided!

The Stocking Project
We were happy to donate many items to The Stocking Project this year. My wife and Sawyer had a nice time shopping for those in need during this holiday season.

This cute little Elf shopping for The Stocking Project to donate items to those in need this Christmas.
Always feels wonderful to Pay-It-Forward.

Holiday Food Drive
Pro-Action Sports Injury Clinic is Hosting its annual Holiday Food Drive!
We are collecting NON-PERISHABLE and CANNED food items. All Items will be donated to the Kanata Food Bank nearing the end of December. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for everyone’s generosity.

The Pro-Action Sports Injury Clinic would like to thank MAJIC 100 for the surprise visit from STUNTMANT STU and ANGIE POIRIER.
We couldn’t be happier with the amazing candy basket they delivered to the office! So Exciting!!

The Royal Ottawa
The Pro-Action Sports Injury Clinic would like to thank everyone who sent kind emails and who donated to the The Royal Ottawa Hospital. Your Support is much appreciated!

Pro-Action Sports Injury Clinic would like to thank the PeeWee AA Kanata Blazers for having us speak on Concussion Awareness and Respond Effectively (C.A.R.E). The kids were very energetic, parents and coaches learned some great information. We love to educate the public! Contact us and let us help educate your organization.

Holiday Food Drive
Thank you so much to all of our patients who kindly donated to our food drive
in support of the FAMSAC Food Cupboard!
Helping Families in our Community
Running Room: Presentation on Biomechanics
It was great to be invited out to speak to the 10 km group at the Running Room on Hazeldean road. We discussed running biomechanics, up and down hill running, cadence, and stretching. It was a cold night but Greg Johnson was still motivated to go for a run, great job Greg! Thank you for the opportunity and to all who came out. Contact us if you would like us to speak at your event about concussions, running, stretching, injury prevention, injury maintenance, or any of the other services and treatments we offer at Pro-Action!

Orange Theory Fitness- Stittsville
Pro-Action Sports Clinic attended an open house at Orange Theory Fitness in Stittsville. The Orange Theory is a 60 minute interval training workout dedicated to increasing muscle endurance, strength and power and weight loss. Check out their fitness philosophy on their website