Focus on target (end of pencil) in front of you at arms length away and then bring pencil into towards your nose. when it becomes double try and make it clear. you may have to back it off a bit. hold for 5-10 secs and bring it back out and repeat 10x for 3 sets, 3x daily.
Pencil Push-Ups
Focus on target (end of pencil) in front of you at arms length away and then bring pencil into towards your nose. when it becomes double try and make it clear. you may have to back it off a bit. hold for 5-10 secs and bring it back out and repeat 10x for 3 sets, 3x daily.
Using a small image/logo/picture on a business card or sticker on a popsicle stick, have one eye covered and bring target towards the open eye until it becomes blurry. Focus to make it clear hold for 5-10 secs. bring it back away from eye and repeat 5-10x or until symptoms start. 3 sets & 3x daily.
Smooth Pursuits
Focus on target (end of a pencil) with an out stretched arm and follow with eyes in an H-pattern stopping at the extreme upper left, lower left, upper right and lower right for 10 secs. Then do 3 big circles clockwise and counter clockwise. Repeat 3 sets and 3x daily.
Vertical Saccades
Moving eyes up and down from each target (pencils) as quick as you can or using a certain interval on a metronome. This is done with arms outstretched for 20-30x or until symptoms of (headache, eye strain, dizziness etc.), start to come on. Repeat 3 sets and 3x daily.
Diagonal Saccades
Moving eyes on a diagonal from each target (pencils) as quick as you can or using a metronome. This is done with arms outstretched for 20-30x or until symptoms of (headache, eye strain, dizziness etc.), start to come on. Repeat 3 sets and 3x daily.
Horizontal Saccades
Moving eyes from side to side from each target (pencils) as quick as you can or using a certain interval on a metronome. This is done with arms outstretched for 20-30x or until symptoms of (headache, eye strain, dizziness etc.), start to come on. Repeat 3 sets and 3x daily.
VOR: Horizonal & Vert. Plane
Hold target (X or end of a pencil) with an outstretched arm. Using a metronome at a specific beats per minute (bpm), rotate the head 30-40 degrees in a specified certain plane either horizontal or vertical plane. Repeat this 30 secs to 60 secs or until symptoms appear. 3 sets & 3x daily.
Ladder Exercises
This exercise is to help with eye targeting. Done by moving left to right diagonal and downwards. Repeat this 30 secs to 60 secs or until symptoms appear. 3 sets & 3x daily
Vestibular Ocular-motor cancellation (VORc): in Horizontal plane
Arm out stretched in front of you with thumb up at the bridge of your nose. Keep eyes on the thumb or target & rotate the head, eyes, torso & arm in unison to 80 degrees to the left & right as fast as you can or to the prescribed metronome timing.
Vestibular Ocular-motor cancellation (VORc): in vertical plane
Arm out stretched in front of you with thumb to the side at the bridge of your nose. Keep eyes on the thumb or target & move the head, eyes, torso & arm in unison up & down as fast as you can or to the prescribed metronome timing.
Supine Ball Toss
Concussion exercise working on eye convergence laying down and tossing ball straight upwards in front of the face and tracking the nub of the ball to nose.
Blind Spot Check
Concussion exercise to help people get back to driving a car. This can improve vestibular symptoms like dizziness, separating eyes from neck, and motion sensitivity.
Concussion prevention - Neck strengthening
General Neck strengthening – From promotional video for the Healthy Brain & Body Show
Concussion isometrics for neck strengthening and stability
Isometric neck exercises- flexion, extension and side strengthening
Peripheral Vision: Room Description
Looking straight ahead describe the room in centre vision and peripheral vision. After description of room review objects missed and identified in room and repeat. Continue to do this drill at different angles and rooms.
Peripheral Vision: Hallway Walk
Peripheral vision exercise- walk down the hallway looking straight, pointing and calling out what you see with peripheral vision. done with post its on wall. Do this for 1 min, 3 sets and do this 3x a day.
Peripheral Vision: Tactile Touch
Peripheral vision exercise- looking at a target on the wall or mirror or own eyes straight ahead with knees touching the mirror/wall. touch chest and then target while looking ahead. do one hand then other hand.
Optokinetic Training 1
Optokinetic training: driving on a curvy road.
Optokinetic Training 2
Optokinetic training for those with motion sensitivity.
Optokinetic Training 3
Optokinetic training for those with motion sensitivity. Anyone for red stripes.
Optokinetic Training 4
Optokinetic Training for those with Motion Sensitivity- moving checker board
Optokinetic Training 5
Optokinetic training with combination of bars & dot movements.
Optokinetic Training 6
Optokinetic training for those with motion sensitivity. It’s snowing. Good for those with driving problems.
Vertical Bars
Vertical Bars to the Left
Training for those with Motion Sensitivity.
Grocery Store
Busy Grocery store adventure
Wake Boarding
Wake Boarding for Motion sensitivity and for all those elite/professional Wake boarders Trying to get back to their sport.
Walk in Woods
A walk in the woods
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